Closing in.

Tomorrow I’ll be 30 weeks pregnant, with 70 days left until my due date. That’s 10 weeks. 10 weeks! I suddenly feel unprepared. Gabe and I have not bought ANYTHING yet, I’m waiting until after the shower (which is still a month away) but I kind of feel like I did at Christmas- that Holy crap time is running out and I’m not ready feeling. I’m not sure anyone is ever “ready” for a baby but it would be nice to feel sort of ready for her. The pack and play and mattress came yesterday courtesy of Jan and, so at least she has someplace to sleep and a handful of clothing items!

Things I would like to do before she comes:

– a haircut, I’m in desperate need. Actually, a whole once over would be nice; haircut, mani, pedi, and a brow wax since once she comes who knows WHEN I’ll ever have time to do those things again. (For awhile anyway)

– Gabe thinks its unnecessary but I would like to buy some of her clothes, I know we are expecting lots of hand me downs (aunt and a friend both have babies right around 6 mos- both girls), but I feel like part of being the mama is at least picking out the outfit she comes home in!

– Reorganize the bedroom, and made space for her crib, clothing storage, etc. PLus, maybe.. clean the whole house.

-Part of me feels like every time we go to BJs I should buy a box of diapers. I haven’t yet, but I did upgrade Gabe’s Amazon Prime to include Amazon mom (hello diapers at my door the next day).

All in all I feel pretty good, I’m definitely tired at the end of the day though. I scored an 80 on my diabetes screening, midwife said that is perfect, but my iron is low so now I get to take a fun (not) iron supplement every day. Baby girl is still head down, as evidenced by the constant pressure of her feet in my right lung/rib cage. I told Gabe last night that as frustrating as it is to have her there, its reassuring because I know she hasn’t flipped- and she’s probably too big to do that now anyway. We visit the birthing center 2 weeks from today, and I’m meeting with a lactation consultant in mid-March.

I’ve started mentioning to people that we would like to be alone with her for the first week, which so far hasn’t met with any resistance. We’ll see though, I could be one of those women who goes into labor and starts screaming for my mother. She will be on standby just in case she said.

2 thoughts on “Closing in.

  1. LOL@ the last paragraph. You never know!

    Speaking of space, I/we would love to come for a visit sometime in the summer, after I wrap up with school/work (unless you’d like a visit sooner!), if that is okay, we can stay at a nearby hotel or maybe pop a tent up haha. I think ballparking the first week alone is a good idea and if you do change your mind, it’s easy enough to re-arrange.

    As for clothes! I have been resisting the urge to buy things hardcore…I will admit I have picked up a few things that I could not pass up. Pick up some stuff that YOU like for her 🙂 If anything pops into your head that I can be on lookout for, don’t be shy. I love having an excuse to look at baby stuff now! Diapers – my limited experience dictates that you will probably receive a lot of newborn diapers at the shower, which depending on growth you may end up using up or not so much…an acquaintance of mine scored on diapers using double coupons and a sale at Market Basket, got packs for like $1.50 a piece! I’m not a couponer but that shit is pretty sweet!

    Count yourself lucky that she is already head down. So many people I know have been bouncing on exercise balls, COUGH CASEY COUGH, resting frozen veggies on top of their bellies, and other antics to try to get them to flip down unsuccessfully.

    How exciting!!! Looking forward to the shower festivities :o) I second the motion to take some “me” time as you may be pretty desperate for some in the coming months.

    Pardon the novel!

  2. Consignment shopping for baby clothes takes away the guilt of spending money “too early” and you can walk away with awesome stuff! It’s especially great for when you realize she’s only worn something once before out growing it, but if it only cost $1, who cares?

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